Thursday, April 11, 2013

What's New?

Guess what...I am 15 and I got my permit last Tuesday.  Zoe today sounds sick when she coughs.  I really hope that she isn't getting sick.  I on the other hand am doing my Cayston.  I know how fun right?  Well I am so excited to be able to drive!!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, July 31, 2011


There was a 15 year old killed in car accident because he was not wearing a seatbelt...well guess what...I knew him he was a 9th grade officer at Farmington Junior High. I feel very sad that this would happen to him and his family. I know tons of people that are very sad at this time but I think that his family will be very blessed after dealing with this experience...I know that some don't think of it that way but it will have a better outcome. I don't think that this is not hard for most to deal with but he was a great Student Body Officer. Have fun in heaven Gabe you'll be missed!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I DID IT, I STAYED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL! I got my first ever GREEN LIGHT!!!!! When they weighed me I had GAINED 10POUNDS, they were so SUPRISED that they had to weigh me AGAIN! I feel so GREAT! We went to eat after and when I came home I fell asleep before I could even make it to the computer and when I woke up ZOE WANTED TO PLAY WITH ME! So now I am BLOGGING TO YOU!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I hate to clean and today all we did was CLEAN!!!!! I hated it all the way to the end. I really think that if I could just never clean again I would feel so HAPPY!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Just got done with another feeding and am not as full I usually am. It is really suprizing that I am not that full...even though I ate right before. I think that this is CRAZY!!!!!


I will post a picture as soon as I get one of my nails. I will totally tell the lugi-ladies hi. I think that It will go great! I might need to get my feeding tube replaced and have blood work done....sooo it should go good.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Tonight I got some fake nails!!! But my doctors will freak out if I don't take them off soon. I hope everyone can come see them before I have to take them off!